Jamie's Guest Book


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Admin reply: HI Anya
so nice to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words
By the way your message reads I bet your lyrics are

I am surely a very fortunate musician and person
and I never have to remind myself of that.
Life and our music is amazingly precious.

Feel free to keep in touch at luckyrecording@aol.com
or on facebook.
hugs and love

Added: December 7, 2016
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hi Jamie i just want to say how much I've enjoyed listening to your guitar solos over the years especially with Jean Luc Ponty ! going back to the early 70's and Jean Luc's Imaginary Voyage and a Taste for Passion are two of my fav JL P albums ever ! I'm thrilled to see that you've got some original material out ...i'll be checking into that for sure ! thanks for those 70's memories ! love it 👍🏻🎸🇨🇦

Admin reply: HI Paul
Really appreciate you visiting and writing.

So much has happened since the 70's and for a long time
I didn't appreciate all that went on, I just wanted people to know that the music they hear on TV, whether it was on Seinfeld or sports TV had my fingerprints.

As you know I've had the good fortune to be back
with Jean Luc Ponty and we are hoping to do our first major tour next spring. The last year or so with Jon Anderson joining us has been such a pleasure and very inspiring.

I am indeed grateful that our music and some of what I have done is part of a good memory for you.

All the best

Added: September 27, 2016
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So amazing seeing you this tour.. You absolutely killed it at the Albany NY tour stop. Feeling very blessed to have been able to see you play with Jean-Luc again. Best wishes.

Admin reply: Hi Mike
Thanks so very much. We had a great time on the tour
one of the best ever. Being a New Yorker originally
made playing the "egg" even cooler.
I appreciate you taking the time to write


Added: May 26, 2016
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Hey Jamie,
I was checking out your website, after you spent 30+ hours revamping it. I like the lay out and enjoyed reading your diverse musical Bio. Some names I recognized and some I don't, but reading about your versatility as a musician is amazing, as the musicians I know usually get stuck in a certain genre or style of playing.

Anyway, I enjoyed this site and am proud to have you as a FB friend and hope someday we can meet at one of your gig's. I am most familiar with your work with JLP and APB, as I'm huge fan of Jean-luc's music and Jon Anderson. You've been so open and real reaching out and sharing your dream.

I just want to say Thank You. I'm looking forward to your next adventure.
Gerard Schreijer

Admin reply: Hey Gerard

so good to hear from you. I appreciate you coming by.
The website I re did is www.gotocyberschool.com
not this one. This website is created and maintained
by a life long friend, brilliant woman in the UK

I actually met my wonderful webmaster because she
was well known and the best at taking care of chinchillas
I had no idea she had all these other talents.

In any case Im glad you are here on my official site
I need to update the discography and more
and will get around to it.

The other site is where you can have some free lessons, download my courses etc, so please don't be a stranger

Much appreciated

Added: March 12, 2016
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Hi Jamie, I have a good friend by the name of Steve Ruff that speaks highly of you. Coming from the great man Steve is, that rates the highest in my book. When spending time with Steve he has shown me some of your work on the web, we have listen to your show, and discussed the attributes he has learned since he has made your acquaintance. I should list Steve as an asset on my taxes because of what he has done to improve my life! I just had to drop you a line and tell you that I can see how you have positively affected Steve and how I've enjoyed us viewing your work while spending great times together. Carry on Jamie and the best to you! I hope someday I will have the opportunity to be able to enjoy the company of you and Steve together. Tracy Olson

Admin reply: Hi Tracy
What a kind and nice message. I feel Steve is like a brother and any friend of his , is a friend of mine.
Thanks much for taking time to write.

All the best

Added: March 12, 2016
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I just want to add one more thing. I just read that your wonderful father passed on your 30th birthday. My own mother who I was very close to, passed 2 days before my 32nd birthday. Her wake was actually on my birthday. I think that this bonds us even closer to them.

Admin reply: Hi Red
sure appreciate you coming by and your kind words
about me and the show with APB. We had a great time.
I agree with you about our loved ones and our birthdays
Thank you again
feel free to friend me on facebook
Happy Holidays

Added: November 27, 2015
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Hi Jamie, I saw you in Ridgefield Connecticut with Anderson Ponty on October 30th. I was one of the wild bunch in the front row that were rocking out and having such a great time. I just want to tell you that you blew us off the face of the earth. You are an incredible guitarist!!

Added: November 27, 2015
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Jamie, great show on November 4 at my alma mater South Milwaukee high school. I remember seeing you and JLP at my college alma mater, the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee over 30 years ago. I love your enthusiasm and awesome guitar playing. You looked like you were having a blast. God bless you and the band and thanks for making this a great night in my life.

Admin reply: Hi John

really appreciate your kind words
and also for coming by my site as well as the gigs
thank you very much


Added: November 5, 2015
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I have just read the wonderful interview you did. Surprising myself, I like you even MORE-I think your Dad is great.-You can certainly count on me seeing whatever project you are involved with whenever possible.
God Bless You

Admin reply: Thanks very much Jeff
sure appreciate your support and coming by my website

Added: October 5, 2015
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Hi there. Was just snooping around so I could become more familiar with the totality of your work efforts. Impressive. You show great breadth of knowledge and experience. Glad we connected if only on a minor level for you. Thanks for being so accommodating to one so lowly as myself. Never any worries and thank you. I'll be an echo in the background.

Admin reply: Kevin
thanks so much . Much appreciated
All the best

Added: August 15, 2015
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